There's a lot going well in medical training in Australia, according to more than 21,000 doctors in training who did the 2020 Medical Training Survey (MTS).
The MTS is a national, annual, profession-wide survey of all doctors in training... 02/Feb/2021 | Read full article
The Medical Training Survey (MTS) opens in August 2021 and gives trainees a voice about their experience of medical training.
MTS data from past years is already being used across the health sector to drive improvements in medical training.
Most MTS questions... 29/Jul/2021 | Read full article
GP trainees are calling on their peers to do the 2021 MTS and increase the evidence base that can strengthen training.
“MTS data empowers stakeholders, by giving them a robust evidence base to keep improving training,” says Dr Hash Abdeen, current... 31/Aug/2021 | Read full article
More than half Australia’s doctors in training did the 2021 Medical Training Survey (MTS) – that’s more than 21,000 voices sharing insights into medical training.
Results will be published in February 2022, accessible in static reports and through an online data-dashboard... 08/Nov/2021 | Read full article