Huge response to Medical Training Survey


More than half Australia’s doctors in training did the 2021 Medical Training Survey (MTS) – that’s more than 21,000 voices sharing insights into medical training.

Results will be published in February 2022, accessible in static reports and through an online data-dashboard that enables comparisons across training sites and with past years’ results. Data from past years is already being used across the health sector to drive improvements in medical training.

The MTS is a longitudinal study that tracks the quality of medical training. Stringent privacy controls make it safe and confidential for trainees to take part. It is run by the Medical Board of Australia.

A huge thanks to every doctor in training who made time to do the 2021 MTS, despite intense COVID-related pressures this year. The 55 per cent response rate has generated a robust national dataset that will continue to shape improvements to training. Results will show how COVID has impacted on medical training and will give insights into the quality of training and the culture of medicine.

As ever, a huge team effort underpins this result. We are grateful to each doctor in training who shared their story on social media to help boost participation rates. A big thank you to the agencies across the health sector who backed and promoted the 2021 MTS, and to members of the MTS Steering Committee and Advisory Group whose expertise and enthusiasm were invaluable.

We’re always keen to do better, so if you did the 2021 MTS and have any suggestions to improve the MTS, get in touch at

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